Wednesday, April 2, 2014

So This Is What It's Like To Be Neglected

Wednesday we had school.  We're learning about getting treats when the humans do things with their hands, and we're still getting treats for doing nothing.  I also showed everyone that I can run RIGHT BY Miss Pat to go to Marty.  When I got there we ran back to Miss Pat for treats though, so I'm not sure I really understood the point.

Instead of going to the farm after school, we came straight back to the little house.  I couldn't decide if I was mad that I didn't get to go to the farm and play fetch or if I was happy that I didn't have to get up early and ride more in the car.

Thursday morning Marty and Lyle went to work and left me.  I only got playtime with Joyce and Nita, and then Marty came home early, played with me for about five seconds and then left again and was gone until REALLY LATE.  I don't even know why I decided to go live with these humans, they're never home!

When Marty finally did come home, she packed up all my stuff and threw me in the car and we drove for a long time!  IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!  But.  But!  Guess where we were when we finally got out of the car??  MR. TRIPOLI'S HOUSE!!  I woke him up right away to tell him I was there!  He was not as excited to see me as I thought he should be.  I even made him go outside and play with me, but he seemed a little lethargic.  Marty said maybe we should let him go back to sleep, but I think it's just that SHE wanted to go to sleep.

I was not allowed to sleep with my grandhumans and Mr. Tripoli, Marty made me sleep with her.  I protested by not getting in the bed.  Then I made her get up and take me out at 4:45 in the morning.  (I made Mr. Tripoli come too.)  That will teach her to neglect me!

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