Friday, April 4, 2014

Clicker Expo - Sunday

Sunday morning we got up and went back in the car to the same place.  I had to lie down and snack from my Kong (but mostly I napped) while Marty listened to another human.  This time there were only a few other humans.

After that was over, Marty left me with A STRANGER!  (Okay, it wasn't a stranger, it was Biscotti's human that I'd met when we did our shaping weekend, but still, Marty LEFT ME!)  For at least THREE MINUTES!  Just when I was starting to believe she was never coming back, she did, she hurried me back downstairs to the working room.

I didn't want to be there, and I tried the lying on my side and pulling to the door thing again.  Marty took me outside and fed me some pretty good treats and promised me that if I just tried it I could leave if I wasn't having fun.  So we went back in and picked a different place where there weren't so many dogs close to me and no one could see me.  Then I got treats just for not trying to leave.  It was a pretty good deal.

After a long time of just being there and getting treats, we went back to the little hidey hole where Marty played fetch with me and we got to play fetch with piggy toys.  I didn't really want to bring them back at first, but I didn't want Marty to play with them without me either, so I did.  A really smart human who talked funny came over to play with us and I learned about holding onto the tug toy tighter.  She was a very interesting human!

When we were done playing with her, we went back to Mr. Tripoli's.  Sophie had already gone home.  Marty and I both took a nap, and then Marty went back, but I didn't have to go.

Clicker Expo was pretty exciting!

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