Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I Live At Aunt Becky's Now!

This morning when we got up, Marty put me in the car (not surprising), but instead of going to the little house, we went to AUNT BECKY'S!!!!

Marty brought all my stuff in and left me in the kitchen and WENT AWAY!  (I think maybe I was supposed to be in my box, but Marty just put my box up and put some toys in it, she didn't make me go in it.)

I was just hanging out, and guess what?  Aunt Becky came home to hang out with me!  We played fetch (well, we were going to play fetch, but I was too excited to see her, so we played run around in the yard with a ball instead).

This is so much better than the little house!!


  1. Just dropped you off and left note, no treats, no goodbye pat on the head....just dropped you off and LEFT.......I feel for you pal......never any fun to be dumped like a bag of rocks......but I know your Aunt Becky will make you smile and you all will have tons of fun.....enjoy your stay........

  2. In case any of AA's faithful readers are wondering, he is thriving in his new home and just wants to know why he had to wait so long to officially move in. Given how much fun he is having and attention he is receiving though, he does not have time to waste updating his blog. He may update again eventually since realizes he has a duty to his royal subjects, but he is not making any promises. In the meantime, it's time for fetch and a bowl of Navidson's food that he stole.

  3. Sounds HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE to me......appears that maybe the table is being set for AA to just disappear and become history....."he does not have time to waste" updating his blog......AA, you are being led down the wrong path not turn into a lazy slug.......especially when you were just getting the hang of swimming.....hope you still get to do that.....

  4. It's the exact opposite if being a lazy slug. Opposed to spending his days in front of the computer, he prefers playin fetch, digging in the mulch, walking around the neighborhood and investigating the water. Oh, and serving as an alarm clock for his Uncle Rob. He is definitely NOT a lazy slug.

  5. I am sure he is enjoying his new life....sounds like he will be the talk of the neighborhood....hope he gets some swim time in with all of his other fun activities......I know you both will have tons of fun together......enjoy....

  6. I think Anzio has been kidnapped. I can't find him anywhere in the house or yard. Plus, all is toys are missing!! Hopefully, the kidnapper is just holding him for ransom and will contact me soon!

  7. First AA is just dropped off like a dirty bag of laundry and now he has packed his stuff and left town......sounds to me like he needs to come back to his roots and just hang out with his buds......the gate is open AA......just come on in pal.....

  8. Okay now I am really worried AA....not a word from you in days and when I look back that the pictures I have the first picture it looks like your neck is broken and in the second picture your tail is missing and your eye pupil appears appears you have left this world.....say it isn't so.....let us know you are okay.....after all, it is swimming weather........

  9. Good news is the captors contacted me. I wanted true proof of life, so they let me visit Big Z. He seemed ok, but extremely cathartic. I think this was due to the water boarding he incurred earlier in the day. Not quite the swimming Chessies are made for!

  10. I am glad to hear that AA is okay, at least for the moment...the obvious question is what will it take to get him back home.....he has tons of fetch, chase and swimming to well as guarding the farm.....Tornado and his pals stand ready for rescue duties if necessary....

  11. It would appear that AA has flown the coop.....not a good sign.....hope he is doing well .......

  12. I have been wondering the same thing Rebecca......I miss the big guy and have sent emails out in search response....very concerned about our big buddy.......
