Friday, April 4, 2014

Clicker Expo - Back On My Game

After I took a nap, Marty came out and woke me up.  She put my Nosework harness on me but we didn't look for meatballs or funny smelling trees.  (Don't tell Miss Jessica.)  She just hooked it up to my leash and we went for a walk where I didn't have to "walk nice".  We met another dog that was also out for a walk with her human and then I got to play fetch in the mud!  Marty talked to the person guarding the mud pit (I think people were supposed to park cars there) and asked if it would be all right.  She was afraid of me, but I sniffed her hand and she said we could play until cars came.  We played for a long time and no cars came.

Then we walked somewhere else and played MORE fetch.  This was a good lunch break!  I would be happier about being in the car if it always meant we got to play fetch.

After lunch we went back inside to the working room, but this time Marty gave me a LOT of treats just for being there and when it was time to practice we went in the back where almost no one could see us and I got treats just because Marty clapped her hands.  (Sometimes Marty wants to learn very strange tricks.  I have no idea why she wants to give me treats for clapping her hands, but whatever.)  Then we took a break and I got treats for hanging out on my mat and then we went back to my hiding spot and played fetch.  This was so easy!

We went back to our spot to listen to the human in charge talk some more and I was sooooo tired I fell right asleep.  Humans spend way too much time talking.  All the other dogs were asleep too.

After Marty was done I went back in the car for another nap and then we went back to Mr. Tripoli's!

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