Saturday, April 12, 2014

Navidson Has A Mr. Tripoli!

Okay, Navidson's is named Mr. Scout, but this is still very exciting news!

Navidson's grandhumans came to visit him and Dan this week, and they brought their dog.  Navidson's grandhumans have visited before, but this was the first time they'd brought Mr. Scout.  On Tuesday Navidson told Dan to ask Marty if we wanted to meet them at the park.  So we did (of course).  I got to meet Mr. Scout!

I was very polite (because Mr. Tripoli has already taught me about being nice to uncle-dogs).  Mr. Scout did not want to play fetch, he mostly just hung out with the humans and said hello every so often.  Navidson is not allowed to play rough with him, so he played with me instead.  I don't mind.  Mr. Scout is older than Mr. Tripoli, but not as big.  Marty thinks he is some kind of a hound, but Navidson's grandhumans say he is some kind of a terrier.  No one really knows.

There were A LOT of other dogs at the park, maybe because the weather has gotten so nice (the humans think it's nice; I liked it better when it was cold).  I met Tucker, who is a Lab/Golden Retriever mix and about a year old.  I dropped my muddy ball on one of his humans and got her muddy.  I was not sorry.

Sadie came for a little while.  Her humans are still trying to get her more excited about fetch than chase, but she still likes chase better.  I help out by retrieving anything they throw for her.  Marty says she's sorry for that, but I don't know why.

I met a new dog named Vasco that was some kind of a Lab mix.  He was gangly, and Marty said maybe he was party Great Dane like Max.  He played with Navidson more than me, which was fine, because I was busy fetching.

Sophie's people asked what I do when Marty puts the ball away, so she showed them.  I stared at my bag for a while, and then when it became clear that Marty is too thick-headed for my mind control powers to get through, I went and found a frisbee to fetch.  I like to fetch balls better, but frisbees are good for tug.  Vasco and I played tug with the frisbee until we broke it.

Navidson and Mr. Scout and I stayed until all the other dogs had left, and then Marty decided it was a good time for us to go home too.  It's amazing how much better she is at walking home from the park than getting there.

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