Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Home Alone Again

Sunday was a good day for me at the farm.  After my swimming adventure, we played more fetch and I got to play with Ziggy (mostly I ignored him so I could fetch) and then Tractor Guy came over with Mrs. Tractor Guy and then my grandhuman came!  I thought maybe we would all stay, but we went back to the little house very late.  

Monday when Marty came home from work Lyle wasn't with her and we had to go in the car.  We came back to the farm.  My grand human is still here and she slept in MY ROOM.  Marty put up a gate so I had to stay with her in the other room.  Rude.

Today, Marty and my grandhuman and my great grandhuman all left and I had to stay home by myself and be in charge of the house.  I was home for a long time, but finally Tractor Guy came over to play with me for a little while.  Then I was alone again, and Marty and my grandhuman didn't come home for a long time.

I had house privileges all day with not much exercise, and no puzzles left for me, and the only thing I did was get ONE unauthorized ball in the house!  Marty is so proud of me.

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