Saturday, April 12, 2014

Learning To Ride A Bike

As I have said from the very beginning, Marty is crazy.  She is crazy about me, and she is a little crazy about bikes, so I suppose it was inevitable that eventually I would have to learn to ride.  Even though the whole garage is full of bikes, Marty got a new one for me.  (She said the other bikes were not appropriate, whatever that is supposed to mean.)  

We've had it for a long time, but it was in a box.  This week, since we didn't have school, Lyle put the bike together.  Yesterday, Marty rode it to work (I did not get to go).

Today, I got to walk next to it.  BORING.

We went back out again later and I got to run next to it while Marty put her foot on a pedal.  

Lyle has to go to Lowe's and my new harness has to get here, and then we are going to go ride for real.


  1. AA, I have one word for you pal.......SWIMMING......let me repeat it for are a are supposed to walks along the road.....find some water and SWIM.....just a gentle reminder from Tornado and the gang.....NEVER forgot your roots no matter what the crazies make you do.......

  2. I have given this even more thought AA....if there is going to be bike involvement I think you should ride the bike and let Marty run next to it......I'm just sayin........have a fun week.....
