Saturday, April 12, 2014

Talk About Being Embarrassed By Your Relations

The worst thing has happened.  I've discovered a horrible truth about Devin and Koren.  They have a cat.  No, it's true.  I'm horribly embarrassed to have to admit to this, but it is true.  This means I have a cat-nephew.

And that's not the worst of it.

Last weekend when we were visiting them, I thought I smelled something funny coming from Devin and Koren's room.  But Marty kept saying, "Don't worry about it, there's nothing interesting for you back there."  LIES!  You know what was back there?  THE CAT!

The cat came out to say hello.  Marty put my leash on me, and I thought we were going to leave in disgust, like sensible dogs would, but no, SHE LET THE CAT SMELL ME!  It was horrible.  I may be traumatized for life.  (Yes, I got cookies for this.  Yes, the cat did too.  No, the cat wasn't allowed to actually do anything to me, BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT!)

After the cat got to smell me, the cat got to smell my stuff.  Did I get to smell the cat's stuff?  No, I did not.  Did the cat have to wear a leash?  No, it did not.  Did my leash come off the whole time the cat was out of its room?  No, it did not.  Were the cookies I got high enough value to compensate me for this horror?  Maybe.  No, they were not.

The cat got to smell my bag, and even worse than that, the cat got to smell my box.  If the crazies think I am ever going back in the box without a fight, they can just try it!

1 comment:

  1. Wait until the cat starts to "decorate" your box by bringing toys and things in will find mice, squirrels, birds and other things in your box if you stay around long enough.......AND I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT STUFFED TOYS.........just watch your back AA......
