Friday, April 4, 2014

Clicker Expo - Wipe Out

Saturday morning Marty got me up before anyone else was up and put me in the car.  We drove to a new place I'd never been before.  There were SO MANY dogs!  I didn't get to play with any of them, and we went inside this big building with SO MANY humans.  I was so excited I was pulling hard on my leash.  Most of the other dogs were walking very nicely, and I think Marty was a little frustrated, but too bad.

The nice thing about this particular place is that it's all about humans learning to get treats.  Humans are not allowed to do anything mean to their dogs - it's actually in the rules!  So even though Marty was a little frustrated, I did not get jerked on or yelled at at all.  We went upstairs into a conference room and I settled down on my mat and got a new Kong toy with special treats inside.  The room filled up fast, with dogs AND humans.  I was very calm for the whole time.  Lots of the other dogs had more trouble than I did (most of them didn't get Kongs).  Marty listened to another human talk about how dogs learn to help humans that can't do certain things for themselves.  It sounds like I'm about to get more chores.

After that class, we went downstairs to a class where we were supposed to learn about how to chain behaviors together.  It was super stressful because there were a whole lot of other dogs and people looking at me.  Marty was stressed too, so I decided we should leave.  It took me a little while to convince her, but after I refused to do anything but lie on my side and pull toward the door, she finally saw reason.

I took a nap in the car and she went back inside.

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