Saturday, April 12, 2014

Visiting My Human Siblings

I was supposed to go see Aunt Becky last weekend, but at the last minute, Marty decided she didn't want to drive up there.  (See, when Marty doesn't want to go in the car, we don't have to, but when I don't want to get in the car, the crazies pick me up and dump me in there.  Not cool.)

Saturday morning we got up early and went in the car.  I thought maybe we were going to visit Aunt Becky after all, but we didn't.  We rode in the car even longer than it takes to get to Mr. Tripoli's (Marty and I slept) and when we got out, we were visiting Devin and Koren!  I had never been to visit them before.  Almost as soon as we'd gotten there, I had to go in my box.

I think I have mentioned before that a)I cannot effectively protect anything if I am locked in my box; b)my box is too small for me now; c)even though I do not like going in the car, I would usually rather be with the crazies than locked in my box, especially somewhere new.  So, I threw a fit.  It didn't accomplish anything, I still got left.

When all the humans came home, Marty let me out of the box and took me outside.  Guess what?  My human siblings have a dog park right behind their house!  It's not quite as nice as my dog park, but it's RIGHT BEHIND THEIR HOUSE!  I got to go play ball almost every time we went outside!  I made them take me out a lot.  I met a husky like Luna, and a puggle.  I was very nice to the other dogs because they were a little shy.  Their humans thought I was a big dog!  (I guess they'd never met Mr. Tripoli or Tornado.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm still bummed I didn't get to see you last weekend. Let's steal Marty's calendar and pen in some time for us. I'm getting some mulch today-your favorite!!
