Saturday, April 12, 2014

Marty Tried To Steal A Dog

Monday night we were all home, minding our own business, when I noticed there was an unauthorized dog in front of our house WITH NO HUMAN!  I have very strict rules regarding what dogs I let within a certain perimeter of my domain, and I did not recognize this dog.  (Dogs I know at the little house:  Jack, Cocoa, Jackson, Macauley, the chihuahua that lives across the street, and the yellow lab that sometimes visits next door.  All other dogs must be accompanied by a human AT ALL TIMES!)  I alerted the crazies right away by barking very loudly at the window.  (I am only supposed to do this to alert them of a threat, but I feel like they're not really very prepared, so we conduct frequent drills.)  For once, Marty actually agreed with my threat assessment.  

She went outside to see if the strange dog's human was around.  I volunteered to go with her, in case she needed protection, but she said she thought she would be fine.  That attitude is why need drills.  She *thought* she would be fine.  How did she know?  What if something had happened?  Clearly she should take me with her in these events.

I watched from the window and kept Lyle informed as to what was going on.  There wasn't a human with the dog, and when Marty called it, it didn't come to her.  She got puppy biscuits and MY nosework leash and went back to the dog.  I couldn't see her for a little while (I tried to tell Lyle we should go outside RIGHT AWAY and check on her, but he said she was fine.  I cannot believe the lackadaisical attitude they exhibit.) and when she came back, she had the dog on my leash.

She walked her up and down the street (the other dog was actually pretty good on the leash, I am concerned that she may have taught Marty that the appropriate rate of reinforcement for nice leash walking is a lot lower than what I've been working on teaching her).  Marty kept asking people if they knew the dog, but no one did.

I was starting to think that she was going to bring her into MY house, but then she opened the car door.  Hahaha!  Good!  That will teach a dog to trespass within my perimeter, she has to ride in the car!  I think Marty was going to take her to the vet, and that's EVEN WORSE.  The other dog did not jump in though (I've heard Border Collies are smart dogs, it must be true).  So then I was even MORE worried that Marty was going to bring her in, but about that time a car stopped and when Marty talked to the human she said it was her dog.  WHEW!  

I am pretty sure that the other human thought Marty was trying to steal the dog.  If she'd known that the crazies have ME, clearly she would not have been confused.  I don't want another dog, not even Navidson, much less some Border Collie that thinks I need to be herded around like my cousin Belle does.  And Marty is barely trained, so I don't want some interloper in here messing up all the habits I've been working on instilling - like making her sleep curled up so there's more room on the bed for me, and making her sit on the other chair so I can have the couch with Lyle.

Marty says maybe when I am older I can have a pet, but I think she should not hold her breath on that.


  1. I see unauthorized dogs in front of our house all the time. It's a constant threat. Stay vigilant!

    I think my mommy tried to steal a dog a couple days ago, too. She and Audrey went for a walk (without me! Can you believe it?). And when they came back she smelled like a strange dog. I never did get to a glimpse of it though.

    And as often as you disappear on our blog, I suspect that you could use some herding!

  2. It might have been in your best interest for Marty to steal that dog after all:
