Friday, April 4, 2014

Too Tired To Play

The weather here has finally gotten nice after months and months when Marty was being a giant wimp. Tuesday we went to park in the car.  I am getting a little better about the car, but I still don't like it.  I got to wear my allowed-to-pull harness so we didn't even have to struggle to get into the park!

We were the only ones there, so we played a lot of fetch.  I must have still been tired from the weekend, because I got worn out even before Navidson got there!  Dan brought water (Dan is much better trained than Marty) and I drank almost all of it.

After we left we went by the vet's office for me to get weighed.  I weigh 76lbs now.  I was very happy not to have to stay and we went straight home.

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