Saturday, March 29, 2014

Nights Without School

Sunday night after the shaping class we went back to the little house.  Lyle wasn't there, and Marty fell asleep on the couch, so I got lots of snuggles when he got home.  (We woke her up later.)

Monday night we had H. Bill and his littermates over.  I was VERY excited for them to visit and had to spend some time in my box.  I am teaching them to give me treats.  Maybe if I start them now they won't be as hopeless as Marty when they are grownups.

Tuesday night my great-grandhuman came back, but Navidson did not come with him.  (See, I knew he liked me better.)  I got to hang out with him on Wednesday after the crazies went to work, and then guess what happened?

Not too tough, right?  We went back to school!

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