Saturday, March 29, 2014

Shaping Up To Be A Long Weekend

After class on Saturday we went to the farm.  NEITHER my great-grandhuman NOR Lyle was there!  Ziggy came up to say hello, but he was getting ready to have a party, so he couldn't stay.  It's probably just as well because I was already EXHAUSTED from training Marty all day.

Sidebar:  You know that cool ball that I chewed up?  Guess what, it came back out.  In pieces.  Marty says I am very lucky that she isn't putting pictures up.  I say, EVERYONE is very lucky!

I took a long nap, and then when I woke up we played some more "give me treats for anything at all" games with a box.  Then I went back to sleep.  Marty was almost as tired as I was.

I had so much fun that Sunday morning I went downstairs by myself and got in the car.  (I have to keep Marty off balance somehow.)

When we got back to school we played the box game AGAIN. (Not the game where the hide meatballs, the game where you can get treats for anything.  I was confused at first too.

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