Saturday, March 29, 2014

Still Shaping

After lunch I was SO TIRED!

We didn't work very hard after lunch, but I still had to pay attention.

It helped that Marty finally figured out that if she doesn't want me to be training her, she should give me a toy.  (This is my raccoon.  Aunt Becky gave him to me.)

I was ready to go home before school was really over, and Marty put me in the car.  We learned a whole lot, but it was exhausting.

I think maybe when Marty is a little better trained, we'll go back and do it again.

1 comment:

  1. Hey AA.....I have got something laying in the road outside my house that looks like your raccoon.....I will be glad to send it to you if you would like......might be a big tastier to chew on as well........
