Monday, March 17, 2014

My Grandhuman Came To School

I was just minding my own business and plotting world domination when the door opened and my grandhuman came in!  Marty and Lyle were not even home!  I waited to see if she had Mr. Tripoli with her, but she did not.

Marty and Lyle got home a little later and we all got in the car and went to school.  My grandhuman didn't sit with us because Marty said she would be too distracting.  We practiced walking around and I had to walk right past my grandhuman and she DID NOT give me a biscuit.

THEN, she practiced greetings with Little Foot, and she gave Little Foot treats!


I was SO mad that when we got to the farm after school, I got on the couch with her, and put my head on her computer, and made her give me extra biscuits.

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