Saturday, March 29, 2014

Guess Who Has a New Human Sibling?


Thursday night I wasn't feeling very good (probably because Marty gave me bad treats at school the night before).  And, even worse, SOMEone pooped on the floor.  (It was probably the pink elephant again.)  Marty didn't really believe me when I told her that though, so I had to go in the box.  I was not impressed.  I don't even really fit in the box anymore.  And then Marty and Lyle LEFT me, even though I wasn't feeling good and they should have stayed home and taken care of me.

When they got home the pink elephant had not pooped anymore AND they smelled like Luna and a little like Awesome Audrey.  (Marty says they didn't see Awesome Audrey, it's just that all human puppies smell like that.)  I think I am probably happier that I stayed in my box.

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