Thursday, February 6, 2014


Wednesday was so awesome!!  Marty left to go to work like she usually does, and she FORGOT TO PUT ME IN THE BOX!  I was out for THE WHOLE DAY!  I am making a list of all the things I want to chew on.  I'm having a hard time deciding between the pool table legs and the tansu in the bedroom.

And then, Miss Pat canceled dog school because she loves me and so we had to go the park instead!  I got to meet THREE new friends at the park AND play with Navidson.

Two of my new friends didn't stay very long (one of them may have left because Marty yelled at him for being a jerk), but the third one stayed for a long time.  His name is Balin and he is a Corgi/Beagle mix.  He is even older than Mr. Tripoli!  And he only knows one trick!  Sit!  He's very good at getting Marty to give him treats for it though.  I am not that good at getting treats for sitting.  I hope I get to play with Balin again!

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