Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Am Allowed To Pull On The Leash!

Last week when we went to the park, Marty and I did not exactly play nicely together.  I pulled the WHOLE way and when we FINALLY got to the park, Marty was so mad that she threw me over the fence (yes, really).

We're still working on her learning how to be interesting enough that I want to walk beside her, but in the meantime I got a special collar thing so I know when it's okay for me to pull (Answer:  WHENEVER I WANT!).

Monday Marty put the new collar thing on me and we went to the park in the car.  I got to pull all the way from the car to the park!  It was GREAT!  Once we got there, I had the whole park to myself and we played fetch until it was so dark we couldn't see.  I had to find the ball for her before we could leave.  Humans are not very good at hide and seek.  Marty's lucky to have me around to help.

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