Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sunday At The Farm With Anzio

Even though I got treats in the mail on Saturday, it was not a particularly good day for me.  I was OVERcrated while Marty and Lyle went out.  AND THEN!  They came home smelling like they had seen my grandhumans and ANOTHER DOG that was NOT Mr. Tripoli.  I do not know what is going on, but I am pretty sure it's not good.

I was going to be mad about being in my crate for so long, but on Sunday we went to the farm.  It didn't start out so well.  We had to ride in the car, and while I did not throw up, I was not a happy camper.  This is me in the car.  Marty took this picture at the gas station.  The gas station is 3.9 miles from the little house.

We played SO MUCH fetch at the farm!  It was AWESOME!  There is a lot more snow up there than is left at the little house, and it's frozen so hard that sometimes I can walk on it and not fall down into it!  (Marty and Lyle can't.  This is what comes of being lazy human slugs.)  Look how far Marty can throw the ball with the Chuckit!

Sometimes when I stop really fast, the snow flies up in my face.  Lyle thinks it cute, but I bet if he got snow all over his face he wouldn't think so.  It's COLD!

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