Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Marty Is Not A Good Thrower

Sunday we played a lot of fetch.  A LOT.  I had to keep letting the humans go inside to warm up a little, but I didn't let them stay inside very long.

On our third trip out to play fetch, Marty threw the ball onto the roof and we had to get Lyle out to help get it down.  He used a saw!  Marty said I should be sure to tell Yankee that it was his Uncle Brian that made her get that saw!  (Hi Yankee, I wish I had as much snow as you do!)

See the orange thing way up in the corner?  THAT'S WHERE MARTY THREW THE BALL!


  1. I think it might be a genetic thing. My daddy almost always throws a ball over our fence when we play. He then has to go into our neighbor's yard to get it, or we have to wait until they throw it back over. Maybe our grandhumans didn't properly teach them to throw when they were puppies.

    1. I have seen Uncle Andrew throw. It's not genetic. Marty is a much better thrower. Uncle Andrew throws like a girl. (Marty said to tell you that when it's time for your human sibling to learn, she will help teach her.)

    2. What are you saying about girls and throwing and other athletic activities? Auntie M and I may need to give you a talking to....

    3. Marty says it's unfortunate that girls her age aren't usually great at sports. She says it's because boys drool. (Not sure what that means. Maybe they have to ride in the car a lot?) Anyway, I'm just saying I'll be happy to help be sure Little Audrey is a better thrower than Uncle Andrew.

    4. Now don't all you girlie girls (four legged and two) get yourself all worked up....I did not say, nor imply that girls were not good athletes...actually I believe they are in many sports....however, the facts do not deny that when it comes to "overhand" throwing girls just cannot get it right.....but they can have fun trying.....

    5. Easy Belle, just giving the facts as they fall.....however, I would think you would understand this....as the active, athletic girl you are I would think you would clearly be able to understand who can throw the ball/stick/bumper or whatever the best......and you would want that person to be the one throwing so you could show off your wonderful skills.....I'm just sayin......

  2. Women should not try to throw a ball.....it just never works.....sad, just sad.......

  3. I'm glad my Uncle Brian made you get the saw. It would be awful to have to stare at your ball and not be able to get it. I don't know that you really want all the snow we have. It makes it hard to get outside sometimes, and when I climb on the snow on our walks, sometimes it just falls under me and then I fall down on the sidewalk.
