Thursday, February 20, 2014

Love Your Pet Day

Today is "Love Your Pet Day".  As a reward, I only had to ride in the car once!

It has been a pretty bad few days with the car.  We went to dog school on Tuesday (which was nosework, and I really like hunting for meatballs, even though now they smell kinda funny because we're using ODOR) and then to the farm.  Yesterday was even worse, because we had to go from the farm to the little house and then from little house to dog school (where we practiced walking on a leash mostly and a new secret trick I am trying to get Marty to give me treats for) and then from dog school to the farm.  This morning we only had to come back to the little house from the farm and then the crazies didn't bother me all day.  (It really must be Love Your Pet Day!)

Joyce and Nita came and played with me during the day, and then they went to the dog food store for Marty and got treats and I didn't have to go!  And then Marty and Lyle came home and I THOUGHT we were going to have to get in the car, but we didn't!  They went away, but I didn't mind because I was so happy I didn't have to ride in the car.  And then Joyce came back late and played with me.

The best part of the day was after Marty got home though!  We got a new box and it has the coolest toy ever!  It's a little box that shoots balls across the room!  Marty wants me to drop the ball in myself, but I haven't quite figured that out yet.  We played with it until it stopped working, but Lyle has already gone to bed, so we are going to have to wait until tomorrow for more playtime.

1 comment:

  1. AA, that is a really COOL toy.....learn how to put the balls in the box because once you do you can be ready for your they come in to the room there you are with the loaded box....and then it is READY, AIM, about fun......HOOOOOOOOOOHaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
