Thursday, February 13, 2014


We got a LOT of snow here last night.  I have never SEEN so much snow!

This morning when Lyle took me outside, I didn't even know what I was supposed to DO!

When Marty finally got up, she went outside and shoveled the snow out of the way so I would be able to walk (and take care of other important things).  Lyle brought me outside so I could play, but he wasn't holding me, so I decided to go check things out on my own.  Marty got pretty annoyed at both of us and I had to go inside.  (Lyle had to shovel.)

We're going to get EVEN MORE snow tonight!


  1. I'm so jealous! I love snow, but we only got a little bit, and then it all disappeared over night.

  2. AA, I think you have a lawsuit the words "invasion of privacy" mean anything to you.....clearly NOT your best side pal.......

    1. Marty says that considering how much trouble I was in for running off and ignoring her when she called me, she is lucky that the worst thing that happened to me was this pic.

    2. AA, I believe Marty needs to remember you are a supreme water dog whether it be liquid, frozen or otherwise.......she should have known you were going to go play in the snow.......I would not be too happy if I were you.......
