Saturday, February 8, 2014

Helping At Uncle Rob's

Last night we went for a long ride in the car.  I had to ride in the back by myself AND we did not get Sonic.  I drooled, but not as much as sometimes, and when we stopped we were at UNCLE ROB'S HOUSE!

I got to spend the night at Uncle Rob's house!!  (Okay, the crazies were here too, but still!)  This morning, I had a Pop Tart for breakfast!  I have NEVER had a Pop Tart for breakfast before.  After breakfast, we ripped all the carpet out of Uncle Rob's downstairs.  I helped!

Pretty soon after that my grandhumans showed up.  Mr. Tripoli did not come with them.  I was very disappointed that he wasn't here.

I helped pick out which pieces should go next.  Mostly I checked to see how closely they matched me and my wolverine.  I have to consider future camouflage opportunities.

The humans took a break for lunch.  As usual, they did not get anything for me.  I expressed my displeasure by staring at them the WHOLE TIME they were eating.  More training is needed.

We worked on putting down new floors all day.  My job was mostly to supervise.  I made sure there were no crumbs on the floor that might make bumps later.  It was an exhausting job, so I had to take a break.  Marty had me practice my "office hours" trick, but I decided I could help by protecting the materials.  Look, I'm "resource guarding"!

1 comment:

  1. You look big AA.....maybe some winter poundage?????? one too many meatballs perhaps.......whatever the reason you sure look comfortable curled up in your corner......great project managerial skills......maybe you should go work for the gov't.....and you would even get a pension to be able to lay around more at taxpayer's not work too hard pal.....
