Saturday, February 8, 2014

Awesome Audrey!

After my nap, Uncle Andrew and Aunt Lauren came to Uncle Rob's.  Guess what they brought? A tiny human puppy!!  She is Belle's new human sibling!  Now I know why Marty went to see Belle and Mr. Tripoli without me that time.

The new puppy's name is Audrey.  I got to smell her.  She mostly smelled like Belle, with a little bit of sugar and spice.  She doesn't know any tricks yet, not even sit, so Marty didn't give her any treats.  Aunt Lauren said she is learning "high five", but I didn't see her do it.  She did poop in the house, but she did not get in trouble.  I'm not sure why not, but I bet SHE doesn't get house privileges any time soon.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new human friend there is an AA1 and an AA2.....hope everyone has lots of fun together.......cheers.....
