Friday, February 7, 2014


Marty wants other humans to THINK she loves me, even though she keeps making me ride in the car and won't let me go live with Aunt Becky.


  1. Yep, she'll lying. Proof-you had to go for a long ride AND it's to a little house AND they're going to think you are in their way. #rude I on the other hand am ready for you to come here FOREVER! I hear you may be visiting at the end of the month. If so, make sure you hide well when they are ready to leave. I hear rye works well for that!

    1. I am already working on places I can hide at your house. We will need to distract her so she will leave and not know I am not there.

  2. AA, you need to get a grip about riding in the car dude...think of it this have a personal chauffer...most humans would love to have that...and you have your own personalized license plate frame that basically states who and what you person that I know has I know you and your Aunt Becky have a love thing going on but does she do that for you......I do not think so.....and.....and, if your Aunt Becky loves you so much why is she never in any of your fun photos......I think you have it pretty good pal....I'm just sayin......

    1. I'm getting to hate the car less. But I still don't like it. If you had to ride in the car as much as I do, you wouldn't like it either.

      I am going to see Aunt Becky soon, maybe we will take a picture together then!

    2. I think that would be a fabulous idea......

  3. And another thing, cool as I think your Aunt Becky is she lives in a Blue state that blindly supports you know that even though you are THE STATE DOG OF MD. that those idiots will not even let you swim in the rivers and were named after the CHESAPEAKE BAY....and you think you want to live there.......Aunt Becky would have to keep you in your box ALL THE TIME......think about that a while......

  4. Aunt Becky already told me I don't even have to HAVE a box when I go to live with her! So there. AND... I like wading just fine. I am not sure I am missing anything by not being allowed to swim. I think I would be JUST FINE living with Aunt Becky.

    1. AA, someone must have slipped you some "I do not know what I am saying" pills....."I like wading just fine"....."I am not sure I am missing anything by not being allowed to swim" are a Chessy dude, you are built for swimming....your hips are higher than your have a dual coat, webbed feet......I think you have been eating too many meatballs pal.......

    2. AA, you and I have had this discussion at the beach, swimming is the most fun ever, pool, river, ocean ... all are cool and lot of fun. I know that you are not a Labrador Retriever but Chessie's can swim too so you and I are going to have to go to the river the next time you come down. Mr. Tripoli :-)

  5. You see AA, you have been invited to swim by your buddy Mr. do not let the fact that he is a Lab deter you from your path, as we all know Labs do not go out too on the other hand will no doubt want to swim to the other side no matter it be the ocean, river, bay etc. etc......even though Mr. Tripoli may need a raft to keep up with you it will still be fun to swim with your buddy.....I think Marty needs to do more training......splish splash......
