Monday, February 24, 2014

I Got Herded

Saturday morning we went to the park.  I was pretty excited, and so even though Marty had chicken we decided I should use the special collar that means I get to pull.  I pulled!

I think on nice days humans must want to go the park.  There were already three dogs at the park when we got there.  I didn't know any of them!  I wanted to play fetch, but one of the other dogs had separation anxiety and any time I started to run for the ball she barked at me really loud!  (Almost as loud as my cousin Belle!)

Pretty soon Navidson came to play, and Maya wouldn't let him run after frisbees either.  Navidson and the other dogs distracted Maya so I could fetch a little, but Maya was pretty vigilant.  I'd only gotten to get the ball a couple of times when my friend Sadie got there.  Sadie is a flat-coated retriever and she is only a little older than me.  Maya was herding Sadie, and Sadie's human told her to stop, and then Maya and the other two dogs had to go for a walk.

I got to fetch a lot after that!  I even fetched Navidson's frisbee!

Sadie played with Navidson a lot.  Navidson likes to play chase more than he likes to fetch.  (I don't understand it either.)  Navidson was so busy with Sadie that I played a lot more fetch.  After Sadie left Navidson finally had time for me again, but not for very long, because we met ANOTHER new dog. Navidson wanted to go be friends with him.  I just wanted to play more fetch.  I am beginning to think that Navidson wants a new best friend.

After that realization, I decided I was pretty tired, so I stopped playing fetch and wouldn't bring the ball back.  Marty decided to take me home.  I walked nicely on my regular collar the whole way!

Guess who was at my house when we got back?  NAVIDSON!  He IS my best friend!


  1. AA, you are quickly becoming the typical is in your GREAT are all about working (fetch) and soon you will not even know what Chase means.....wait until you get to retrieve in the water......that is going to be super fun........and all the other buddies will just sit on the shore and watch........

  2. That looks like so much fun. Diana says that maybe we will be able to visit you this summer and play again.

  3. Anzio, I haven't heard from you in awhile, so I'm trying to contact Maya through the herding network to get you back to the computer. Hope everything is ok.

  4. I think his Aunt Becky took him......
