Monday, February 24, 2014

New Human Friend!

After Navidson went home on Saturday, I took a nap, but when I woke up, there were humans at the door.  I was going to protect the house, but it turns out Marty had arranged a playdate for me!  

His name is Jeff and he is a human!  Marty and Jeff's human have known each other for a long time, but I had never met her before.  Marty hadn't met Jeff either!  Jeff brought me a really cool toy and we played tug.  He is almost as good at tug as Navidson.  I have to keep very good track of this toy because Marty wants to steal it!

Jeff got to go out with his human and the crazies, but I had to stay home.  They went in the car, so I didn't mind staying home.  When they got back, Jeff and I played a lot more.  Marty and Jeff's human spent a lot time playing some stupid human games.  They tried to make Jeff play too, but he mostly played with me.

Jeff and his human spent the night, but Marty didn't let me sleep with them.  Lyle made breakfast in the morning and Jeff shared bacon!  I wish Jeff could have stayed longer, but his human took him home.  I hope we get another playdate soon.

I Got Herded

Saturday morning we went to the park.  I was pretty excited, and so even though Marty had chicken we decided I should use the special collar that means I get to pull.  I pulled!

I think on nice days humans must want to go the park.  There were already three dogs at the park when we got there.  I didn't know any of them!  I wanted to play fetch, but one of the other dogs had separation anxiety and any time I started to run for the ball she barked at me really loud!  (Almost as loud as my cousin Belle!)

Pretty soon Navidson came to play, and Maya wouldn't let him run after frisbees either.  Navidson and the other dogs distracted Maya so I could fetch a little, but Maya was pretty vigilant.  I'd only gotten to get the ball a couple of times when my friend Sadie got there.  Sadie is a flat-coated retriever and she is only a little older than me.  Maya was herding Sadie, and Sadie's human told her to stop, and then Maya and the other two dogs had to go for a walk.

I got to fetch a lot after that!  I even fetched Navidson's frisbee!

Sadie played with Navidson a lot.  Navidson likes to play chase more than he likes to fetch.  (I don't understand it either.)  Navidson was so busy with Sadie that I played a lot more fetch.  After Sadie left Navidson finally had time for me again, but not for very long, because we met ANOTHER new dog. Navidson wanted to go be friends with him.  I just wanted to play more fetch.  I am beginning to think that Navidson wants a new best friend.

After that realization, I decided I was pretty tired, so I stopped playing fetch and wouldn't bring the ball back.  Marty decided to take me home.  I walked nicely on my regular collar the whole way!

Guess who was at my house when we got back?  NAVIDSON!  He IS my best friend!

Friday, February 21, 2014

iFetch, Day Two

We (okay, Lyle) figured out that the problem with iFetch is that I slobber too much.  When the balls get all slobbery, iFetch won't shoot them anymore.  So now Marty has to dry them off and switch them out. It's nice to have humans around when you need chores done!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Love Your Pet Day

Today is "Love Your Pet Day".  As a reward, I only had to ride in the car once!

It has been a pretty bad few days with the car.  We went to dog school on Tuesday (which was nosework, and I really like hunting for meatballs, even though now they smell kinda funny because we're using ODOR) and then to the farm.  Yesterday was even worse, because we had to go from the farm to the little house and then from little house to dog school (where we practiced walking on a leash mostly and a new secret trick I am trying to get Marty to give me treats for) and then from dog school to the farm.  This morning we only had to come back to the little house from the farm and then the crazies didn't bother me all day.  (It really must be Love Your Pet Day!)

Joyce and Nita came and played with me during the day, and then they went to the dog food store for Marty and got treats and I didn't have to go!  And then Marty and Lyle came home and I THOUGHT we were going to have to get in the car, but we didn't!  They went away, but I didn't mind because I was so happy I didn't have to ride in the car.  And then Joyce came back late and played with me.

The best part of the day was after Marty got home though!  We got a new box and it has the coolest toy ever!  It's a little box that shoots balls across the room!  Marty wants me to drop the ball in myself, but I haven't quite figured that out yet.  We played with it until it stopped working, but Lyle has already gone to bed, so we are going to have to wait until tomorrow for more playtime.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

H. Bill Stayed Over

H. Bill and his littermates do not like kisses.  This is a shame, because they taste good when I DO give them kisses.

Marty did not make me practice lying on my mat, and I got one of my candy cane rawhides that Aunt Becky gave me for Christmas while H. Bill and his littermates watched a movie and yelled at me not to kiss them.

When they went to bed, I decided I should guard them.  They did not think they needed guarding!

Pretty Baby

Marty took me to the park yesterday because H. Bill was coming over with his littermates and she doesn't like me to get too excited with them.  (They're exciting!  I don't know why she doesn't understand that!) 

I wore my "allowed to pull on the leash" special collar, but Marty hooked my leash to my regular collar and I walked ALL THE WAY from the car to the park without making her furious!  I got A WHOLE LOT of chicken!

Marty Is Not A Good Thrower

Sunday we played a lot of fetch.  A LOT.  I had to keep letting the humans go inside to warm up a little, but I didn't let them stay inside very long.

On our third trip out to play fetch, Marty threw the ball onto the roof and we had to get Lyle out to help get it down.  He used a saw!  Marty said I should be sure to tell Yankee that it was his Uncle Brian that made her get that saw!  (Hi Yankee, I wish I had as much snow as you do!)

See the orange thing way up in the corner?  THAT'S WHERE MARTY THREW THE BALL!

Sunday At The Farm With Anzio

Even though I got treats in the mail on Saturday, it was not a particularly good day for me.  I was OVERcrated while Marty and Lyle went out.  AND THEN!  They came home smelling like they had seen my grandhumans and ANOTHER DOG that was NOT Mr. Tripoli.  I do not know what is going on, but I am pretty sure it's not good.

I was going to be mad about being in my crate for so long, but on Sunday we went to the farm.  It didn't start out so well.  We had to ride in the car, and while I did not throw up, I was not a happy camper.  This is me in the car.  Marty took this picture at the gas station.  The gas station is 3.9 miles from the little house.

We played SO MUCH fetch at the farm!  It was AWESOME!  There is a lot more snow up there than is left at the little house, and it's frozen so hard that sometimes I can walk on it and not fall down into it!  (Marty and Lyle can't.  This is what comes of being lazy human slugs.)  Look how far Marty can throw the ball with the Chuckit!

Sometimes when I stop really fast, the snow flies up in my face.  Lyle thinks it cute, but I bet if he got snow all over his face he wouldn't think so.  It's COLD!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Treats In The Mail!

I got a package in the mail today (it was addressed to Marty, which I think was rude, but whatever).  It was three whole boxes of treats!  And I don't even have to share them!!

Obviously, if I were really as important to them as they pretend I am, the treats would have gotten here YESTERDAY.  Marty said it was because we had snow, but I say, good humans make plans not excuses!

I have to say that having had these special cookies, I don't understand why the humans make such a big deal about chocolate.  I am not a fan.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's

My humans got chocolate (I am not allowed to have any).  I got lots of extra treats for "OFF!"

Thursday, February 13, 2014


We got a LOT of snow here last night.  I have never SEEN so much snow!

This morning when Lyle took me outside, I didn't even know what I was supposed to DO!

When Marty finally got up, she went outside and shoveled the snow out of the way so I would be able to walk (and take care of other important things).  Lyle brought me outside so I could play, but he wasn't holding me, so I decided to go check things out on my own.  Marty got pretty annoyed at both of us and I had to go inside.  (Lyle had to shovel.)

We're going to get EVEN MORE snow tonight!

Nosework Practice

Tuesday night we went back to school for practice hunting for meatballs.  It's really cold up there, so instead of waiting in the car between turns, we wait in our boxes.  Miss Jessica says we get our own "condos" so we have privacy and don't have to see the other dogs.

This was a big class.  We got introduced to ODOR.  That means that instead of just finding meatballs, now the meatballs are next to something that smells funny.  After I find the funny smelling meatballs, if I keep smelling the box with the funny smell, I get MORE meatballs.  This is a pretty good game.

Miss Jessica says that Lyle is very lucky, because when I smell the funny stuff I freeze up.  She says if I keep doing that, I have a really clear "ALERT' and he shouldn't have any trouble picking up on my signals.

Even though I really like hunting for meatballs, I have decided I don't really like it when Lyle puts my harness over my head.  After school, Miss Jessica showed Marty and Lyle a new game about me getting treats.  I am learning to get dressed in my meatball harness all by myself.

Visiting The Vet

After we got done at the park on Monday, we went to the vet.  I weigh 70lbs now!  Marty says maybe I won't be a MinChes after all.  I didn't have to see Dr. Richards or anything, we just went in and got a treat and then went home!

I Am Allowed To Pull On The Leash!

Last week when we went to the park, Marty and I did not exactly play nicely together.  I pulled the WHOLE way and when we FINALLY got to the park, Marty was so mad that she threw me over the fence (yes, really).

We're still working on her learning how to be interesting enough that I want to walk beside her, but in the meantime I got a special collar thing so I know when it's okay for me to pull (Answer:  WHENEVER I WANT!).

Monday Marty put the new collar thing on me and we went to the park in the car.  I got to pull all the way from the car to the park!  It was GREAT!  Once we got there, I had the whole park to myself and we played fetch until it was so dark we couldn't see.  I had to find the ball for her before we could leave.  Humans are not very good at hide and seek.  Marty's lucky to have me around to help.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Awesome Audrey!

After my nap, Uncle Andrew and Aunt Lauren came to Uncle Rob's.  Guess what they brought? A tiny human puppy!!  She is Belle's new human sibling!  Now I know why Marty went to see Belle and Mr. Tripoli without me that time.

The new puppy's name is Audrey.  I got to smell her.  She mostly smelled like Belle, with a little bit of sugar and spice.  She doesn't know any tricks yet, not even sit, so Marty didn't give her any treats.  Aunt Lauren said she is learning "high five", but I didn't see her do it.  She did poop in the house, but she did not get in trouble.  I'm not sure why not, but I bet SHE doesn't get house privileges any time soon.

Helping At Uncle Rob's

Last night we went for a long ride in the car.  I had to ride in the back by myself AND we did not get Sonic.  I drooled, but not as much as sometimes, and when we stopped we were at UNCLE ROB'S HOUSE!

I got to spend the night at Uncle Rob's house!!  (Okay, the crazies were here too, but still!)  This morning, I had a Pop Tart for breakfast!  I have NEVER had a Pop Tart for breakfast before.  After breakfast, we ripped all the carpet out of Uncle Rob's downstairs.  I helped!

Pretty soon after that my grandhumans showed up.  Mr. Tripoli did not come with them.  I was very disappointed that he wasn't here.

I helped pick out which pieces should go next.  Mostly I checked to see how closely they matched me and my wolverine.  I have to consider future camouflage opportunities.

The humans took a break for lunch.  As usual, they did not get anything for me.  I expressed my displeasure by staring at them the WHOLE TIME they were eating.  More training is needed.

We worked on putting down new floors all day.  My job was mostly to supervise.  I made sure there were no crumbs on the floor that might make bumps later.  It was an exhausting job, so I had to take a break.  Marty had me practice my "office hours" trick, but I decided I could help by protecting the materials.  Look, I'm "resource guarding"!

Friday, February 7, 2014


Marty wants other humans to THINK she loves me, even though she keeps making me ride in the car and won't let me go live with Aunt Becky.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Proof I Am The Most Spoiled Dog On The Planet

Okay, no one tell her, but I think Marty may be having some memory problems.  She left me out of the box AGAIN this morning!  I am still trying to decide what to destroy.  Feel free to send me suggestions!

When Lyle got home he made two WHOLE chickens outside on the grill.  The crazies say they're going to eat some, but the truth is IT'S ALL FOR ME!


Wednesday was so awesome!!  Marty left to go to work like she usually does, and she FORGOT TO PUT ME IN THE BOX!  I was out for THE WHOLE DAY!  I am making a list of all the things I want to chew on.  I'm having a hard time deciding between the pool table legs and the tansu in the bedroom.

And then, Miss Pat canceled dog school because she loves me and so we had to go the park instead!  I got to meet THREE new friends at the park AND play with Navidson.

Two of my new friends didn't stay very long (one of them may have left because Marty yelled at him for being a jerk), but the third one stayed for a long time.  His name is Balin and he is a Corgi/Beagle mix.  He is even older than Mr. Tripoli!  And he only knows one trick!  Sit!  He's very good at getting Marty to give him treats for it though.  I am not that good at getting treats for sitting.  I hope I get to play with Balin again!

Very Exciting Development!

Tuesday night school got canceled again because Miss Jessica loves me and doesn't want me to have to ride in the car.  Since we didn't have to go to school, Lyle had time to work on a new project.  I helped!

It took a long time, and Marty was not very helpful, but Lyle and I finally managed to get things done.  Do you know what this means?

Car Games

Marty and I played the jumping in the car game A LOT over the weekend.  She made it a lot harder, now we play while the car is running.  This is still not my favorite game, but I really love fetch, and the car game is a lot of fetch.

On the way back to the little house, I only drooled about one bucket instead of lots and lots and lots.  Yay, progress!

Aunt Becky Doesn't Hate Me!

I had been starting to think that Aunt Becky hated me, because I hadn't seen her since Christmas!  But she FINALLY came to the farm on Saturday night, just to play with me.

I showed her how far I can make Marty walk to get a ball after she throws it.

I showed her how frustrated Marty and Lyle can get if I won't find meatballs.

We played the game where I run between people for treats.  I ran right to Aunt Becky every time, but I made Lyle and Marty work a lot harder to give me treats.

I wanted to go home with her, but Marty wouldn't let me.  Aunt Becky might not hate me, but I think Marty does.