Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Trip Down

We're at the beach now, and pretty much everything since my last post has had to do with getting here.

I got to sleep in bed on Wednesday night at the farm because Marty is a bad human and didn't bring my bed up.  It's pretty cold on the floor up there, so she decided it would be okay for me to get in bed.  I slept with my head on the pillow like a human.  I think they should just let me sleep in the bed all the time, but Marty says we are getting a bed to keep at the farm instead.

Thursday night Marty and Lyle abandoned me and Joyce had to come over and check on me.  Now that I know that they always come back, this stresses me out less than it used to.

Friday we drove to Virginia Beach to stay at Mr. Tripoli's house before we came down to the beach.  I was pretty stressed out and my stomach was a little upset.  I'm not really sure what happened, but all of a sudden there was poop in the car.  I sorta thought Marty would be really mad, but she wasn't.  She just stopped the car and cleaned things up while Lyle and I walked around for a while.

This is me watching her clean up.  I really didn't think we should have had to get back in the car after that, but she made us.

When we finally got to Mr. Tripoli's, she put everything in the washer right away including my dinosaur (maybe he's the one that pooped).  We went right to sleep, and somehow while we were sleeping, somehow, poop got on the floor!  It smelled so bad that it woke Marty up.  It was pretty gross in there, so I made her put me outside while she cleaned it up.  She even opened the window!

I'm not really sure what's happening with the poop, but it needs to stop soon!

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