Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mini Chessie

I had another vet visit last night.  Dr. Richards got caught up with emergencies, so we saw Dr. Henderson.  I was kinda nervous about seeing a new doctor, but Marty knew her and said it was okay. I got my regular puppy shot AND my rabies shot.  I was much braver about the shots this time and now I have TWO tags on my collar.  I don't have worms any more, but I am going to do three more days of worm stuff just to be extra sure they don't come back.  My ear gunk is all cleaned up now too.

Bad news though, I have fleas again!  Even though I am on some stuff that's supposed to keep them away from me!  I get to start taking that more often to see if the fleas will stay away.  Marty still thinks it's because we live in a bad neighborhood.  We're all hoping the itchiness is just because of the fleas and not some other dermatitis thing and maybe it will go away now.

I cried when Dr. Henderson messed with my foot, but since I cried when she touched me pretty much everywhere, she thinks my foot is fine.  Marty made us walk all the way to the vet, and Dr. Henderson said if there were anything wrong with my foot, then I would have been limping.  So there.

I showed everyone my tricks and Dr. Henderson said I am very smart.  Dr. Richards came out when we were leaving to get some snuggle time with me and I showed her my tricks too.  I'm awesome.

So, I weighed 27.1 pounds yesterday.  Dogs should be about half their adult weight at 16 weeks, and that would mean I am only going to weigh 54.2 pounds when I am a (not so) big dog.  That's really small for a Chessie, and Marty has started making rude comments about it.  Considering her littermates all say she got the runt gene, I think she should be quiet.

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