Sunday, October 6, 2013

Showing Navidson The Farm

I brought Navidson up to the farm today.  He'd never been here before.  He says it's like a giant dog park.  I don't know what a dog park is, but if it's like the farm, then it must be fun.

Navidson makes Marty stay on a leash because he doesn't have her trained as well as Dan.  It kinda stinks for him that he has to watch her like that, but it really stinks for me, because he keeps getting me tied up in the leash!  (Look at my feet.)

We played fetch with tennis balls for a while, but that got boring, so we decided to play tug with firewood.  LOTS more fun!

I get to use big dog dishes when we're at the farm, so I don't mind sharing!

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