Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Marty and Lyle went to work today, so I had to stay in the box until Joyce and Nita came to play with me.  I hadn't seen them for a whole week!  We had a good time, and I only had to be in my box for a little while after they left until it was time to go to school.

Tonight at regular school we practiced not chomping our humans when they touch us.  I really don't understand what the big deal is about this, but Marty seems to think it's important, so I'm willing to go along for chicken.  Then we were supposed to practice lying down on our mats, but I preferred to just lie at Marty's feet.  I mean, she's not really very good at throwing the chicken to me, so I was trying to make it easy.  She said I have been slacking on vacation.  I told the other dogs the truth, but Marty and Miss Jessica didn't hear me.  Then we did leave it and I ate the liver cube I was supposed to be leaving.  Haha, that will teach them not to play bumpers with me!

After regular class, we had my nosework class.  I really like to play with the boxes.  The best thing about nosework class is that I get to be in charge instead of Marty being in charge.  (Actually I work with Lyle for nosework.)  And, I get to dress up!  I have a special harness that I only wear for nosework so Marty and Lyle know that I'm the boss!

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