Wednesday, October 30, 2013

More Fun At School

Last night we got in the car and went back to the place we dropped off my great-grandhuman.  Lyle and I stayed in the car (for a LONG time) while Marty went inside to get him.  After that, I had to wait in the car even longer while they went to get dinner.  Did I get anything?  No, of course not.  And there hasn't been any mystery poop for a long time, so they need to stop using that as an excuse!

Today my great-grandhuman was at my house with me all day and he mostly made me stay in my box!  I couldn't believe he didn't want to have me out with him.  Luckily, Joyce and Nita came over to rescue me and Marty came home at lunch.  I have a new favorite food - barbecued pork!  I like it so much I even showed Nita how to get Marty to give me a treat for rolling over.

At dog school tonight I did not do a very good job lying down on the mat like we've been practicing at home.  I bet that means we're going to be practicing a lot more.  Miss Jessica was not that impressed with my "trade" either, but I was just bad at that so Marty will give me the hoof at home more often.  Marty is getting a lot better at walking without tightening the leash.  Tonight we practiced sitting while our humans make stupid noises to each other.  It's super boring, but I did it.  My great-grandhuman got to be a distraction for us to practice leaving things (and humans) alone.  He got so tired from that he went back out to the car and slept through my nosework class!

Nosework is my favorite thing about dog school.  Tonight the boxes had objects all around them, but I wasn't too distracted.  I found my cheese every time and Lyle was so proud of me!

Chessies are supposed to guard the day's catch while their humans go to market, but Marty never catches anything for me to guard.  I guess I will have to find my own things to guard instead.  Tonight I'm guarding the empty computer bag.

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