Thursday, October 3, 2013


When we got back from the farm, Dan and his dad brought Navidson over to my house!  He's staying until Monday.  He was a little sad that his human left him, but I told him that if he had to stay with any humans besides his own, he's lucky to be with mine.  We had about an hour to play before Marty had to go to work.  Then we both had to go in our crates.  Navidson didn't want to, but Marty gave him some liver and convinced him.

Marty came home at lunch and checked on us, but only for a little while.  Playing hard is pretty exhausting though, so I was ready to go back in the crate and take a nap when she left.  Navidson was harder to convince.  Navidson gets a whole bowl of food AND his water in the crate with him.  I really want to be allowed to eat his food, but Marty won't let me.  She shuts his crate when he's not in it so I can't go in there and explore.  I think I should be allowed to try it at least.  I mean, how am I supposed to learn about different cultures if I never get to sample anything?

Marty took us both out again when she came home from work, and we played for a while until Lyle came home and then we all went for a walk together.  Marty cannot give me treats fast enough when Navidson is walking in front.  I think we're going to have to work on that a lot more.

We played really hard for a long time.  Marty got so distracted she forgot to take me outside to pee on the grass.  TWICE!  She'd been doing really well about that.  In fact, the last time she forgot was when Navidson was here last week.

My leg is still bothering me, but not as bad as last night.  We're going to have to talk to Dr. Richards about it on Monday.

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