Monday, October 28, 2013

Back To The Vet AGAIN

I had to go to the vet again today.  I am getting pretty tired of being poked and prodded, so I hid under the chair and Marty had to pull me out.  Then I fussed and squirmed just to get my temperature taken (in my ear, not the bad way).  When Dr. Richards came to see me, I was such a jerk I had to be squished so she could look at me.  I got poked again, which wasn't any fun, and I got my foot scraped.

My stomach stuff is all better, and my skin stuff is better, and my eyes are better, but the itchy spot on my foot is demodex, so Marty has to squirt stuff on my food every day for a long time and Dr. Richards is going to scrape my foot again in about a month.

I weighed 39.5 pounds today and we're going to start practicing me being better for people to look at me.

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