Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Still On Vacation!

I am getting a lot of complaints about the fact that I haven't updated my blog for a while.  It's not my fault, Marty won't let me type with sandy paws, and I've had sandy paws A LOT!  We're still on vacation and I've been getting a lot of rest in between getting into trouble.

Here's an update on what we've been doing...

Wednesday Marty and Lyle went back to work for a little while and I had to stay in my box.  It was okay because Joyce and Nita came to see me.  I'd been missing them, so it was a good chance to catch up.  When Marty and Lyle got home we went to dog school with Miss Jessica.  On Wednesdays now I have TWO classes.  One regular one about practicing teaching Marty to give me treats and a special class I'm doing with Lyle about sniffing for treats in boxes.  I like that class more.  After class we had to get back in the car for a LONG TIME, but when we finally got out we were back at the beach!  Luckily for everyone, the mystery poop seems to have stopped.

Marty and Lyle tried to put me in my box, but I barked so much that Charley's human came out and said I needed to be quiet so I wouldn't wake up Charley's human puppy.  Haha, success!  I got to sleep out of the box.  I'm way bigger than Charley now, and he's not really sure he wants to play with me anymore.

Good thing that Mr. Tripoli came back to the beach on Thursday night, because he always lets me play with him!

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