Thursday, August 22, 2013

Training My Humans

Whoo.  Having humans is hard work!  I finally succeeded in convincing Marty I didn't have to sleep in the box.  She let me sleep on the couch with her last night.  I didn't cry at all, and I wasn't even squirmy until about 6am.  She says this is NOT AN OPTION when I'm a big dog, but I say wait and see.  Added bonus, zombie dog is not allowed downstairs, so I got a night away from his stupidity.

This afternoon I had another playdate, this time with the two dogs that live across the street.  They're close to my size, even though they're already grown up.  I was a little more awake than yesterday with Navidson, but not much.  I really like their human puppy, so I hope they'll still let me play when I'm bigger than them!

Marty made me go to school again tonight.  Lyle didn't go, so I was supposed to ride on the passenger seat.  I like to ride in Marty's lap when we're in the car (even when she's driving).  She said that was OUT OF THE QUESTION during Washington rush hour, so she TIED ME TO THE SEAT!  She said it was "safer".  Does this look safer to you??  Miraculously, I made it there without being strangled.  I don't like this place as much as my Monday night class.  There are a lot more dogs and they're all crazy.  I got to stay with the little dogs tonight, but pretty soon I will be moving out with the really wild ones.  Tonight's goal was to go through some sort of tunnel.  Some of the other dogs went through, but I decided it would be better to watch from under Marty's chair.  By the end of class I did play a little, and Marty says we are going back next week whether I want to or not.  Since we were both traumatized from class, I rode in Marty's lap on the way home.

So remember how I told you I was training Marty and Lyle to tip the Kong up and give me kibble?  They've been getting progressively worse at it, so I've finally given up.  I guess some humans are just not cut out for Kongs.  This means I have to do the Kongs all by myself now.  Maybe I'll try them on sterile beef bones instead.

So, my lazy slug humans like to sit on their couch at night and stare at pretend humans.  They should be playing with me, but they don't.  I think if they're going to ignore me, then at the very least I should be allowed to be on the couch with them.  But no, they keep saying "off" and "four on the floor".  It's ridiculous.  So now we have a new rule.  They have a mat like the one in the box, and when that's on the couch, I can get up.  If it's not, I'm supposed to stay on the floor.  That's their plan anyway.  I'm working on training them to pick me up whenever I sit in front of them and look cute.

Tomorrow we're going back to the farm (finally).  Marty says if it's not too late, we might even go hiking on the way up.  I can't wait!

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