Friday, August 23, 2013

No Milkshake

So we're driving to the farm, finally, not in time to go hiking, when Marty realizes she hasn't introduced me to any new people today.  You're not going to believe what she did.  She made Lyle stop at an ice cream place, sent him inside to get milkshakes and walked over a bunch of guy humans and asked them to hold me.  I was so embarrassed.  They all made nice noises about me, and wanted to take me home.  I thought when Lyle came back he would be mad because Marty was sharing me with other humans, but he just laughed and said Marty was old enough to be their mother.

You know what the worst part was?  I didn't even get ice cream!

Now that we're at the farm, things are looking up.  Marty was trying to practice giving me treats for sitting, but I am bored with that, so I started teaching her shake.  That's the trick I have to be able to do for the last week of dog school.  I can already do it, but I'm training her to say the word.

Marty has something to do in the morning, so I'm hanging out with Lyle and my great-grandhuman.  Pretty sure we can find a good way to get into trouble!

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