Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Party Time! (Nap Time!)

So the crazies had a big party here last night... there were probably about thirty humans over, if you count the puppies.  The crazies were home setting up for a long time, and Joyce and Nita were here doing all the real work, so I was very busy supervising during the day.  By the time the party started, I was really tired, so mostly I napped.

Marty and Lyle are starting to leave me unsupervised while I'm napping.  I'm going to lull them into a false sense of security and then destroy something really good.  I also figured out yesterday that I can go under the baby gate and all the way downstairs while they're not paying attention.  There is a lot of stuff down there that could be greatly improved by some custom chew marks.

Here's a piece of trivia you may or may not know about humans:  They hardly have any fur at all, and so they wear stuff over their skin all the time.  Not just that, but they change the stuff a lot, and they wash all the smells out, so sometimes it's hard to tell if you've met a given human before or not.  Yesterday they finally let me hang out with a human puppy I can remember.  His name is H. Bill and he doesn't bother with that fake fur stuff.  I'm looking forward to hanging out with him again when I'm more awake.

Marty and Lyle seemed a little depressed yesterday, I guess one of their human friends is going away.  (That's why they had the party.)  So I decided to give them a break.  No peeing in the house, and I only cried a little when they put me in the box with zombie dog.  I want them to take me to the farm tonight, but they said "probably not".  However, I'm supposed to have a playdate this afternoon, so at least there's something to look forward to.

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