Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pooping on Marty

I slept okay last night.  They put the zombie dog in the box with me again, he still refuses to communicate.  I screamed for a while, but the crazies continue to be jerks and ignored me.  I got up about 3:30 again and this time Lyle took me out.  I got put back in the box when we came back in, I made a token protest but I was still exhausted so it was short lived.  I wanted them to get up and play at six, but they are lazy slugs, so they made me go back to sleep until after eight.  I clearly have a lot of work to do in order to get them accustomed to their new lifestyle.

Once they finally got up, Marty played with me and got me all wound up.  Lyle had already given me some food, and so I needed to poop.  I started pooping, and Marty grabbed me, so I pooped in her hand.  What would *you* do if someone stuck their hand under your butt while you were pooping?!  I mean, really!  Talk about inappropriate!

After all the drama from that was over, we played for a little longer, and I worked on teaching the crazies to use a Kong toy.  It's important for them to have some intellectual stimulation.  All that training work wore me out, so Lyle sang me a lullaby and I'm going to take a nap now!

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