Friday, August 9, 2013

Meeting The Crazies (and Aunt Becky)

Super exciting day!  The crazies came to visit me this afternoon.  As soon as I saw my Aunt Becky I decided this is going to work out fine.  I let her hold me first, so the crazies could practice their patience.    I was really good and I didn't "ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn" anything.

There were some other humans here to adopt my brother.  They were okay too, but I don't think he's going to have as much fun as I will.  Luckily, they really loved my brother's "mask", so they didn't try to steal me or anything.

The crazies were pretty chill, they mostly just wanted to snuggle me.  They did try to get me to chase a tennis ball, but I refused.  I don't want them to think they're in charge of me.  I showed them how to use their hands to help me learn about bite inhibition, and I demonstrated how nicely I can pee outside.  Aunt Becky took a lot of pictures.  (The guy crazy took four.) 

My mom came and hung out with us a little too.  She even let us eat a little (we mostly eat puppy food now).  She won't admit it, but I think she's about ready for us to go to our new homes.

The crazies went out and played with the big dogs for a long time.  The big dogs really seemed to like them, and the crazies seemed like they know what they're doing too, so I'm feeling a lot better about them.

Only a few more days and I'll be going to live with the crazies!

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