Friday, August 16, 2013

The Big Move

Yesterday was the big day!  The crazies came to pick me up and take me to live with them.  I was a little disappointed they didn't bring Aunt Becky this time, but they promised I will see her on Sunday, so I guess it's okay.  I said goodbye to my littermates and the big dogs, but when I was getting ready to leave one of the big dogs jumped over the fence to tell the crazies they'd better take extra special good care of me!  They promised they were going to and I told him it would be okay, so he went back in the fence and we got on the road.  I cried a little at first (leaving home for the first time is always a little scary and upsetting), but then I settled down and took a name in Marty's lap.  (Now that I'm living with them, they've asked me to use their names.)

When we finally got home, I practiced peeing outside for them and they gave me some chicken.  Then we came inside and I sniffed around for a while and took another nap.  Everytime I pee outside, I get a piece of chicken, so that's pretty cool.  When I pee inside I don't get any chicken, not sure what's up with that.  One time when I was outside peeing, I got to meet one of the neighbors.  They have a human puppy and he seemed happy to meet me.  I got more chicken for being nice to the other humans.
That wore me out, so I took another nap.  After I got up, I went to work with Marty for a couple of hours and took another nap.  She has a water bowl and a chewy for me there, but I was too tired to play.  I got chicken for peeing outside there too!

When we got home I took another nap, and then when Lyle came home we played fetch.  They have a little tennis ball my size, and they get all excited when I bring it to them.  I am learning that humans are easily amused.  You know what doesn't amuse them?  When I chew on their clothes.  They don't seem to mind if I chew on their arms (as long as I don't bite down), but every time I even just touch their precious clothes, it's all "that's not a chew toy" and they move me off.  They're so uptight.  I like to climb under the coffee table and hide my ball there.  They laugh because they think I'm not going to be able to do that for very long.

When we went to bed they made me sleep IN A BOX!  I screamed and yelled for about ten minutes but nothing I could do made them let me out, and that wore me out so I finally just went to sleep.  They put this weird blue zombie dog in there with me.  He's okay to snuggle with, but something is seriously off with him.  I think he may be "special needs".  I woke up once in the middle of the night and Marty took me outside and let me pee (I got more chicken), but then she put me back in the box.  I cried but they're mean and made me stay in the box.  I was still pretty tired, so I went back to sleep.

We got up early this morning and Lyle took me out.  After that it was time for breakfast.  I took turns taking kibble from each of them.  I don't want them to think I have a favorite yet.  We played with toys upstairs for about an hour and then Lyle had to go to work.  Just as I was settling in for a nap with Marty, she got a phone call and she put me in my box.  I WAS SO MAD!  I threw a big fit, but she just ignored me.  After a while, just when I had given up and settled down, she took me out and put me back in the car for a trip to work.

I got to meet a lot of humans at work this time (last night there were no humans).  They were all really excited to meet me.  I peed outside again, but this time I didn't get any chicken.  Marty didn't bring something she was supposed to, so we had to go BACK to the house.  This time one of her human friends (his name is Dustin) went with us and I rode on his lap.  We went back to the office and they put me down and I pooped.  I think I've had too much chicken, because they made a lot of noise about how that wasn't normal looking poop.  Then we got back in the car to drive home.  I wasn't feeling very good and I threw up on Marty.  She didn't get mad.  Apparently when she was a puppy, she threw up in cars a lot too.  She did put me back in the horrible box though, so I threw another fit.  It didn't work, again, so I'm taking a nap.

My grandhuman is coming up to meet me tonight, and I have to go to the vet, so I need to rest up.  Stay tuned, I'll be updating soon!

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