Saturday, August 17, 2013

Meeting My Grandhuman and the Vet

Marty's mom (my grandhuman) came up last night to meet me.  Apparently, the crazies are going to some buffet thing tomorrow.  I thought if it were food, they would definitely want me to go, but they said it's a concert.  So much for "focusing on the puppy".  My grandhuman is pretty cool though, good thing they have her because someone seriously needs to talk some sense into them.  She tells them things like they should feed me more!

The place outside where they want me to pee is a lot of fun, and it's right next to the bushes, which I like to hide under.  Marty doesn't like for me to climb under there and hide, so she borrowed a fence from the neighbors and now I can't get to the bushes.  She said it's all fine, well, and good to fish me out while I'm a baby, but she doesn't want to have to drag me out when I'm a big dog.

I had already met the people who come over and take care of Marty and Lyle.  (My grandhuman says they are incapable of independent living, so they had to hire someone to come in and keep them from living in filth and squalor.)  They think I'm so cool that they brought the rest of the family over to meet me too.  I was really good and they wanted to keep me, but Marty said no way.  I am going to be allowed to visit and play, but I live with Marty and Lyle.

Despite my protestations, the crazies hauled me off to see the vet.  Everyone there was VERY excited to meet me, and they acted like Marty and Lyle were long lost friends.  They gave me a bandana and took my picture and looked at my eyes and my ears and other personal areas.  I weighed twelve and a half pounds.  Marty was worried that means I've lost weight since they've had me (see, my grandhuman is right), but the vet said it was probably just different scales and not to worry about it.  They were supposed to bring some poop in to get checked, but I refused to poop after the chicken explosion in the morning.  I didn't get any shots (I TOLD them I was a perfectly healthy puppy!).  Dr. Richards said I was handsome and perfect (I could have told them that too, but I was trying to be modest).  I think she's pretty cool.  Here's the embarrassing thing, I have fleas!  I definitely didn't have them when I left my littermates, so I must have gotten them here.  I guess we live in a bad part of town.  Dr. Richards gave Marty some stuff to put on my back that will kill the fleas and keep them from coming back.  

As soon as we got home, Marty put me inside the fence and I pooped.  It's important to teach your humans that they live on your schedule, otherwise they start to believe they're in charge.  Marty made me take some pill that supposed to keep me from getting worms.  I refused to eat it until they smothered it in chicken.  Haha, I will teach them that they can't make me stick to kibble!  We went on another car ride to get dinner, and this time I just slept without puking.  It was a big day!

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