Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Checking Out The Water

We have a lake behind our house, so yesterday Marty and Lyle decided I should check it out.  I got wet and waded around, but I didn't swim yet.  Marty says that we are going to visit my grandhumans in about a week and a half, and that if I haven't figured out how to swim by then their dog (Mr. Tripoli) will teach me how.  Our lake is really muddy and has all kinds of wonderful stinky things in it.

The best part about playing in the water is that you get muddy and stinky!  The worst part about playing in the water is that humans do not have an appropriate appreciation for muddy and stinky.  Marty put me in the bathtub afterwards.  I HATE the bathtub.

After playing in the water and getting the dreaded bath, I was SO TIRED I fell asleep like this.

Navidson is coming to my house this afternoon for another playdate.  I'm doing better at staying awake, so maybe today we'll play!

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