Monday, August 26, 2013

National Dog Day

In case you didn't know it, today is National Dog Day!  I'm celebrating by being awesome.  Of course, by that criteria every day should be National Dog Day.  Guess what?  There's no such thing as "National Human Day".  Why do you think that is...

Marty and Lyle finally took me hiking yesterday.  Apparently "hiking" is what humans say when they mean "drive for a long time to take a walk".  We met a LOT of people and several dogs.  Everyone said nice things about me, and all the other dogs were friendly.  We hiked almost three miles, and I only got carried for a little while.  Marty said that was part of the plan, because she wants me to be comfortable getting carried like that when I'm a big dog.  I don't think she's going to be comfortable carrying me like that when I'm a big dog!

Every time we met someone on the trail, Marty said, "Another opportunity to practice sitting!"  I wonder if she knows how ridiculous she sounds.  Also, sitting gets really boring after a while, so we practiced lying down instead.  The other ridiculous thing she said was, "Tight leashes never go anywhere."  First of all, they do so, I saw LOTS of other dogs going forward with super tight leashes.  Secondly, as you know, my particular humans are lazy slugs, so you'd THINK they'd want the assist a little pulling could give them.  But as soon as I start to help, I get, "Tight leashes never go anywhere!"  And I have to go ALL THE WAY BACK to Marty and check on her, and then go RIGHT BACK WHERE I ALREADY WAS!  Humans, whose idea were they?!

I played with Ziggy again for a few minutes yesterday morning.  Still no pictures, we're working out the details with the contract.  I was better, but he's really big, and I got scared, so we didn't play for very long.  I'm getting bigger all the time, so I think pretty soon we'll be able to play for longer.

I forgot to mention that I got to meet some more really cool humans this weekend.  Lyle cooked things for them.  (I didn't get any, again.  I hate my humans.)  They gave me treats and they think I'm adorable.  (I am.)  I showed off how well I'm training Marty and Lyle and then I even trained them a little.  That much training is hard work though, so pretty soon I needed a nap.

Today I have to go back to the vet and see how much I've grown.  And then we have dog school, and Marty really doesn't want me to sleep through it.  No promises!

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