Saturday, August 31, 2013

Naptime At The Farm

Yesterday was a pretty good day for one we spent in the little house.  Marty had some meetings that I couldn't go to, so Lyle was home with me.  We played a lot, and then we worked on his truck for a little while.  Marty said she missed us and so she came home to play too.  For reasons that I don't yet understand, she thinks it's cool if I put my paws on this weird little cart thing they have.  I mean, whatever, she gives me treats for it.

I have been slowly convincing them to give me more and more freedom from the box.  I still have to be in there when they leave me home alone.  (This is ridiculous, by the way, how am I going to defend the house if I'm locked in the box?!)  But when they're home, even when they're doing something else, I mostly am allowed to be out now.  Yesterday I got my own place in their bedroom so I'll stop trying to sleep on the covers they kick off the bed.  My humans are getting better trained every day.

We came up to the farm late last night, and Lyle was tired so I went upstairs to put him to bed.  He put me in the box with zombie dog, but something was wrong with him!  I barked a lot to let Lyle know.  Pretty soon Marty came upstairs to find out why I was barking.  (I don't bark in the crate at night anymore.)  She checked on us and it turns out zombie dog's heart had stopped!  Luckily, Marty did something that took care of him again, and we were able to settle down and go to sleep.

My great-grandhuman gave me cookies when he made coffee this morning.  I don't know who trained him, but he's awesome.  After we'd had coffee, Lyle and I went and got the wildlife pics this morning, but something must be wrong with the camera, because we didn't get any good pics again this week.  All that excitement has all three of us worn out, so we're all going to take naps now.  We are going to be busy later today, so I have to rest up!

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