Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Farm

I had ADVENTURES today!

After the crazies *finally* got moving (it took them a while, despite me getting them up about seven; I think this had something to do with whatever it was they were doing last night while I had to stay with my grandhuman), we got in the car and drove up to the farm.  It's my new favorite place.  I'm allowed to run around and be awesome, instead of being cooped up in the tiny rectangle they usually let me play in.  There's so much to smell, and so much to do.  I marched Lyle down to change out the memory card on the wildlife cam, so I expect some really great pictures of me next week.  Inspecting everything was a big job, and I was pretty worn out from that, so I was on my best behavior when I met my great-grandhuman.  The very first words he said when he saw me were, "Patrick will grow!"  I'm not sure why he thinks my name is Patrick, but Marty says this is a reference to a book he used to read her and her littermates when they were puppies.

After I'd hung out with him for a while (and had a short nap) it was time to go visit Aunt Becky, so we got in the truck and drove to Baltimore.  I've pretty much decided that being sick in the car isn't a good plan, considering that crazies seem like they're always on the road.  So now I just chillax and nap or look out the window.  I'm officially a "truck riding dog"!

Aunt Becky is so cool.  She bought me a present just for coming to visit her.  My very own wrapping paper!  (There was a cow too, but I like the paper best.)  I left her a benevolent bestowment to thank her for her hospitality, but Marty picked it up in a bag and threw it in the trash!  I go out of my way to leave special, personal, one of a kind gifts for people, and they treat them like poop!

Marty and Aunt Becky were looking around the house and talking about boring human things, so I decided it would be a good time to work on training Lyle.  I'm trying to teach him to be calm and settle down.  He's catching onto this pretty quickly.

We went back to the farm for dinner, and I got to meet a new big dog that lives next door.  His name is Ziggy and he's part Anatolian Shepherd.  I was a little intimidated at first, but he's really friendly, so I played with him for a few minutes.  Marty wanted to get some pictures, but I told her to wait until next time.  Ziggy hadn't signed any waivers, and my PR people like to be sure I always get top billing.  We'll try to set something up for our next playdate.

After the crazies ate dinner they played some weird game about peeing on knuckles.  I'm really working hard at demonstrating that we're only supposed to pee on grass, so I just took a nap while they were doing that.  Then we had to get back in the car to come home.  My grandhuman is leaving in the morning, and we've got a big week planned.

Tomorrow is my first day of school already, and since I haven't done any of my homework, I'm really planning to embarrass the crazies.  More on that topic soon!

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