Friday, November 15, 2013

Upping My Game

My plans to take over the big bed and make the crazies sleep on the floor are progressing nicely.  Step one, making them put me in the bed because I was "cold" or "loud":  complete.  They've done this enough times that the idea of me sleeping in the bed with them on occasion is no longer out of the question.  Step two, getting them used to me getting in bed when I want:  in progress.  As I've previously reported, they are already resigned to my getting in the bed in the mornings after my potty break and before they get dressed for work.  They think this is "snuggle time", they are woefully ignorant that it's actually a carefully crafted step in my plan for taking over!  This week, I've started staying in bed when they get in the shower instead of hanging out in the bathroom with a Kong toy like they want me to.  So this morning I decided to forgo my potty break in favor of training my humans.  I got up on the bed with them without permission (because they were still sleeping).  They did not make me get off!  I think we're getting pretty close to being ready for the next step:  me getting in the bed before they do and spreading out so there's no room for them.  I'll keep everyone updated!

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