Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thank Goodness For The Farm

Since my classes with Miss Jessica are over for a little while, we didn't come up to the farm Wednesday night.  I was really mad, because we ALWAYS go to the farm at least once during the week, and usually more.  I kept trying to get the crazies to get off their lazy slug butts and go to the farm, but they wouldn't!  It didn't even matter how many times I jumped on them, or on the couch, or tried to play chomp or anything.  Marty got really frustrated and had to be reminded that we're a Peaceable Paws family.

Thursday Marty and Lyle left me in the box all day and didn't even come home for lunch.  It was only bearable because Joyce came over and played with me in the afternoon.  When the crazies did get home we got in the car and went to the farm.  Even though it was already dark when we got here, they took me out and let me play fetch for a long time.  (I have a special ball that lights up so I can find it in the dark.)  Marty said they were going to run my legs off, but my legs stayed attached.

After fetch we went inside and guess what?  My grandhuman is visiting too!  She saved me a special treat called "meatloaf".  The humans ate dinner (they did not get meatloaf) and I mostly left them alone.

Lyle took me outside after dinner for MORE fetch, which was awesome.  When we were done playing, I came inside and settled right down.  I don't understand why Marty is having so much trouble understanding that we need to play fetch for a long time EVERY DAY.  I'm thinking we may have to get some private lessons to help out with this.

Friday my grandhuman came by the little house and gave me cookies.  She is not a good thrower, but I gave her the ball anyway.  After she left I went to the dog park to play with Navidson.  It was just us because no other dogs came to play.  When Lyle got home we came back to the farm!  The farm two nights in a row!  Friday was MUCH better than Wednesday.

We spent yesterday up here too and I got to play lots of fetch and be outside and I didn't get into any trouble.  It's really, really cold up here today, so we haven't played as much fetch, but we did go to the dog food store and we bought a WHOLE LOT of treats.

This is how I like to spend time at the farm.

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