Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Humans make a big deal out of some strange things.  Yesterday they celebrated a big turkey.  Then they ate it.  I'm really glad that National Dog Day has different rules than Turkey Day!

I am still staying with Mr. Tripoli and my grandhumans while the crazies are off having fun somewhere without me.  I don't know if they celebrated a turkey wherever they are, but we sure had a lot of fun here.  Belle came over with Uncle Andrew and Aunt Lauren, and Belle's grandhumans came too!  Belle told me that they have a dog that takes care of them, but she didn't get to come.  It's probably because she's smaller and can't tell Belle to be quiet as well as I can!  I would have liked to meet her; I have had some very nice playdates with smaller dogs.

Uncle Rob was also here for the turkey.  Uncle Rob is so cool!  I am not sure why some dog hasn't picked him out for his own, but I am happy to make sure he gets played with properly so he'll be ready when one does.  I might be getting to stay with Uncle Rob for a day or two, but Mr. Tripoli seems like he would miss me a lot, so it's not for sure.  (Marty had told me that I might get to stay with Uncle Rob for the whole time the crazies were gone, but it turns out she was lying to me again.)

Mr. Tripoli and I like to play tug, but when I lie down, Mr. Tripoli can pull me all over and dust the floor.  I tried to do it that way when he was lying down, but he didn't move at all!

I found a new toy, it is AWESOME!  It looks like a bottle of the stuff that Marty is always drinking and it squeaks even better than my tennis ball at the little house.  Uncle Rob told me that Marty gives these to other dogs all the time.  Mr. Tripoli got one, and Belle got one, and Navidson got one, and Luna got one, and LOTS of other dogs I know got them.  I DO NOT HAVE ONE!!  Marty and I are going to have a serious talk about this when I go home.

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